Few confrontations at the early phase of dating becomes the drawback for their relationship. In terms of arranged marriage, there are more chances of compatibility issues than usual. If your Aquarius guy is sending mixed signals, it’s because his usually talkative nature is having trouble processing all the feels he has for you!

Manstrology Horoscopes for Every Sign

However, they can agree to have a shared point of same value, although other things they strive for will differ greatly. In case they share interests and have similar professional or educational directions, they could complement each other very well. Gemini would give ideas and discover new information, while Scorpio will dig in and give real essence cheekd to everything. Their communication can be inspirational if they get into this mode and start accepting each other’s qualities. They have so much to give to each other and it would be a shame if they held their relationship in an ego conflict for too long. While it can be difficult to keep a Gemini’s attention, Scorpios can do it with ease.

Behind every Scorpio man’s relationship style is…his mom. He has a complicated, love/hate relationship with his mother that can border on Oedipal. Cutting the cord isn’t easy for him, and his resulting behavior pattern can be tricky to navigate. He fears that every woman wants to “engulf” him, yet he constantly creates situations where he needs to be mothered by his mate.

He hopes by doing so you will want to get back together with him too. They do have different personalities like the opposite poles, but because of it they complete each other. Who can balanced the playful Gemini but a serious Scorpio?

What can go wrong in the Sagittarius-Scorpio relationship?

The hard part is that you will never know which twin you will get in any given situation. It really is like there is some sort of multiple personality thing going on. Oddly, I have never found problems like this with Gemini women, just the men. Even the Gemini’s I have not been romantically involved with seem to have this duality problem. I wish any Scorpio woman good luck going out with a Gemini man.

At first look they seem to be wonderful, but there is always another side. I think you may be wasting your time with this one. I just left my Gemini ex and everything you just said mines did the exact same thing. They are apathetic to the fullest, of course they are charming, but understand that charm is nothing but deceit you will never know him because he is full of secrets. I have female friends that’s Gemini and they are the same way and even they said they wouldn’t date a Gemini man and they are a Gemini themselves. Please don’t be like me waiting to see change which happens to be 7 years of wasted time.

Getting to Know Gemini Men: Personality, Tendencies & Trust

She is a sensitive woman and can get depressed if she doesn’t have that original spark in her life. One of the four fundamental elements—Fire, Water, Earth, or Air—corresponds to each sign of the zodiac. Here, it is simple to conclude that these two personalities will not get along. A couple formed by a Sagittarius and a Scorpio is a couple formed through a perfect connection and eternal feelings of love. Gemini and Aquarius share the same passion for intellectual understanding.

Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine. When it comes to his home and family, the Scorpio man demands creative control. Protective and possessive, he’ll set up a utopian family structure under his tight supervision, even home schooling his kids. He wants everything he does to be the “ultimate”—and molds his family according to his uncompromising vision. Scorpio rules the reproductive system, making him a natural father. He longs for a close-knit family filled with love and open communication, and he’ll do what it takes to get that.

«They are often as much in love with the idea of love as anything else.» Aquarius is another sign that doesn’t really need a romantic relationship in order to be happy. According to O’Connor, they’re very social beings. «They’re attracted to people that perhaps stand out or are not afraid to show off their unique and individual self,» he says.

His flighty nature and need to be on-the-move is like the call of the wild. Trying to tame him will only frustrate the Scorpio Woman further. Beyond casual dating, the word commitment hovers like a looming cloud in the distance.

It’s been challenging, but he is the only human being that understands me, loves me unconditionally, and travels the same spiritual path as I do. My bestfriend, I adore his differences and cherish our similarities. As a Scorpio woman, I have male Gemini friends and they are the nicest people, in my experience. Each zodiac sign has their own preferences and needs when it comes to finding the ideal guy for them.